How to pay Mp2 online 1

How to pay Mp2 online?

There are a lot of ways to pay MP2. The most convenient and smart way is to pay online. There are a lot of payment portals you can use online, this article will help you see your options and compare the fees. Read below to find out what portals work best for you.


  1. Go to Bills

D401A0F1 9DD1 452A 94DF 5A894BB37D7B 4 5005 c

2. And then search for “Pag-ibig” and choose Pag-ibig only.

9939EF90 1F4F 464D B01A 70B8AB6D8C56 4 5005 c

3. Input the necessary fields, make sure that the period is the same. For example, February 10, the period-to should also be February 10 as the system will read it as 1 month. I talked with a CS from Pag-big regarding this when I unknowingly input, let us say, February 10 to March 10 – their system reads it as 2 months which means the amount was divided by 2 as well. This was an issue since at the time their minimum amount was 500 and since it covered 2 months it caused an error.

4D33BABB 8A5B 4889 BA48 B714E473481F 4 5005 c

With 5Php convenience fee.


  1. Go to Bills

108F7C88 3202 4624 859B E4CEE28C2076 4 5005 c

2. And then search for “Pag-ibig” and choose Pag-ibig.

CBA0C517 17D9 4216 A1FE 853A4BA089E2 4 5005 c

3. Input the necessary fields, and choose MP2 for the Payment Type.

3D41910B 0EA7 4B73 ACC6 98894641075E 4 5005 c

With 5Php convenience fee.

BPI eGov

This will come in handy if you have an account with BPI, based on experience, only debit/savings accounts show as payment options. If you have multiple savings accounts that include a checking account that option will show too.  This portal will charge a 7Php convenience fee.

  1. Go to the website and enter “Pagibig” on the search bar and click on the Pagibig Icon
  2.  Fill up the pop-up form, once complete click on the button “Proceed to Payment”
    v2 1
  3. This is how the next page will look like, it will prompt you to login. This area is authenticated by BPI so you can make sure this is reliable and an OTP will be sent your mobile.
    v2 2
    v2 3
  4. Click next and follow the prompts.

Virtual Pag-ibig (using Credit/Debit Card)

This method incurs 1.75% convenience fee which means it is subject to the amount you are paying. For 500php the fee will be 8.75php while 1000php will have 17.50php fee. This method also accepts Gcash and Maya with a convenience fee of 5php.

  1. Login to your Virtual Pag-ibig account. On the Left Menu, scroll down to Payments -> Pay Online and choose MP2
  2. Wait for it to load and choose “Credit/Debit Card” under “Payment Method” then input your “MP2 Savings Account No.” for the system to verify.
    f1 1
  3. Once verified, your details will then populate. You can change the amount by editing “MP2 Savings (PHP)” which is set to default 500Php (the minimum contribution).
    f1 2
  4. Click next and follow the prompts.


Welcome to my personal space. A young professional in the IT world. I am interested in finance, investment and a whole lot of hobbies.

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