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On a Cafe that reminds me “Begin Again”

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I was always fascinated of getting inside a cafe. Enjoying the calming music and the positive energy you can gain by consuming a single tea.
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Well everything was on my hand last Monday. Though it was not my first time drinking a tea but it was my first time to realize how it feels like to get a whole cup of tea with a relaxing ambiance, individual person around you are happily talking and it was like the world has no worst part.
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The exciting part is that the whole experience only reminds me of the song entitled Begin Again sung by Taylor Swift which actually just been released. The part “On a Wednesday in a cafe, I watched it Begin Again.” is the exact part.  Moreover, this phrase triggered me to experience the emotions behind the song myself.
I am really a massive Taylor Swift fan and definitely a Swiftie.

Welcome to my personal space. A young professional in the IT world. I am interested in finance, investment and a whole lot of hobbies.

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