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    Personal,  Experience

    Hey Kid!

    I once thought that I don’t deserve to laugh – to have fun. Back to the good old grade school days, I always carry with me a hanky. I don’t possess so much growing up but my hankies are something that’s always been there (even though sometimes I misplaced them). Whenever I’m in a group and they joke around, I would snatch my hankies from my pocket and put them just in front of my lips, and laugh. One time, I was asked ‘Why do you cover your mouth when you laugh?’ and ‘Why do you laugh without sound?’. Then I thought (from my most innocent mind) maybe laughing is…

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    Personal,  Writing

    Not a Mother’s Day Greeting

    We can all agree our Mom’s the best Mom, the best cook, our best friend etc. We sometimes simply say they’re amazing as we can’t fathom how they can fit everything; from budgeting, chores needed to finish on time, even your clothes on luggage and you found yourself shying away cause yet again she proved you wrong. Some while juggling a job. Truth is it’s an everyday learning, those first-time moms hang in there, y’all doing great! At this moment, I also wanted to bring to the limelight those women who experience loss, made sacrifices, and arrive at decisions of a lifetime. Those who gave their life to become breadwinners,…

  • Finance,  Tutorial

    Pay MCWD via GCash

    Launch the Gcash app and log in to your account via biometrics/MPIN. Go to Pay Bills > Water Utilities > MCWD   Fill up the form. Enter your Consumer Code, Account name, Amount and Email Address (optional).     Once all are accurate, tap on ‘Next’.   Once all are accurate, tap on ‘Next’. Input the amount to pay and select which Payment Source you will pay with GCash (default) or GCredit (optional).     Review data on the confirmation page and click ‘Confirm’. This is the transaction successful page wherein you get a reference number of the transaction and where the transaction fee of ₱5.00 reflects.     You will also receive a confirmation…

  • Visayan Electric Company
    Finance,  Tutorial

    Pay VECO via GCash

    Launch the gCash app and log in to your account via biometrics/MPIN. Go to Pay Bills > Electric Utilities > VECO   Fill up the form. Enter your Account ID (11-13 digits), Account number, Account name, First Name, Amount and Email Address (optional).     Once all are accurate, tap on ‘Next’. Input the amount to pay and select which Payment Source you will pay with GCash (default) or GCredit (optional).   Once all are accurate, tap on ‘Next’. Review data on the confirmation page and click ‘Confirm’.     This is the transaction successful page wherein you get a reference number of the transaction and where the transaction fee of ₱4.00 reflects.     You…

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    Finance,  Tutorial

    Filing an SSS Salary Loan Application

    We stumble a little sometimes and needs something to boost us up esp in this pandemic. SSS is one of the easiest access to loan every employee can get their hands on provide you have 36months of contribution and that the latest 12months are latest payments. See below how easy applying salary loan for you, totally digital 😉 Login to their website here as a Member.   2. Enter you USER ID, password, and click I am not a robot. 3. Look for the menu e-Services, then click Disbursement Enrollment Module. 4. Enroll a Bank, e-Wallet, RTC, or CPO that is by selecting on the list of choices. It is…

  • local seo real estate agent
    Writing,  Investment

    Pay Pag-ibig Housing Loan thru Gcash

    I would literally gone crazy thinking of ways to pay Pag-ibig Housing Loan without Gcash. Gcash has made my life easy, convenient and instant. Thanks for its services that they keep on adding constantly. I usually pay my dues thru my bank, Metrobank. However, I stop receiving email notification regarding my housing loan monthly bill (I asked the Pag-ibig customer service and says email notification is in halt). Which is totally necessary for paying as it includes a unique reference number – without it, the only other way is to go to any payment center (I don’t really go out these days). Glad Gcash is now a verified Payment Partner.…

  • Forex

    Withdraw from MT4 – FXPRIMUS

    You must be thinking about how to convert your earnings to cash. You are on the right Blog! Read through now! Go to the menu side and under ‘Withdrawal’ there is a submenu for ‘Withdraw from MT4’ Enter the amount you want to withdraw. Enter your account’s password and click ‘Confirm’. If you have applied to any promos of FxPrimus, note that there are some warnings that might appear. Click ‘I understand, continue’ You will be redirected to the list of the options. Take note that what you are using when you fund your account should be the same method that you will use when you withdraw an amount. For…

  • Finance,  Forex,  Tutorial

    How to Open a Forex Trading Account – FXPRIMUS

    This is another investment vehicle that we are now trying to ride in hopes that this will help us amidst this pandemic – uncertain when will this end. Personally, I only hear about Forex or simply read about them but this year changes it all. I was introduced to the Forex world with a friend who became my one on one coach. To share this with you here’s a little tutorial on how to open an account. For beginners, you probably heard about Forex being illegal – to answer this yes, this is illegal in the Philippines since this was all forgotten way back, and license to operate is not…

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    Tech,  Writing

    Tech: Huawei Wearables

    I am a fan of tech, an avid user if you would categorize. 2019 was really one of the year you can say wearables are now stable and since this was introduce around 2017-2018 the price is also way affordable. My first Huawei Wearable is Huawei Freebuds Lite! This was one of the best buys of 2019. My previous earplug was from KZ which is totally dope as well. This is totally an upgrade I must say. Since the day I purchase this, I only got 1 update. Noticed nothing really but somehow it was about security or connection/bluetooth update. Superb Battery as well, I can use this 3 days…