• Personal,  Writing

    15 Facts about ME

    Judilee May was a combination of my Mothers and Fathers Name. JUDI- was from my Mom’s name JUDITH and -LEE was from my Father’s name LEO who has a nickname LEE. Plus the month I was born which is the month of flowers – MAY. I am a total Swiftie. The moment I’ve seen Taylor Swift on MYXPH the summer of 2009 (I’m in my 2nd year in highschool) like instantly I knew right then I’ll be a fan. When awkward situation are right in the corner, coming up with a Taylor-Swift-related subject will turn up the heat for me. I entirely thought I could be a huge sport player…

  • malefique affiche1 by silviya d7apctu 1
    Interest,  Experience,  Movie Review,  Personal

    Maleficent (2014)

    I watched Maleficent on May 31. I always wanted to see it in the cinemas so I gladly take my chance and be in line to grab a ticket. Yes I was alone for a reason. Anyhow, I never intended to watch it on 3D but the seat reservations on the hours within the time frame I set is fully occupied. Actually not just the next viewing but all through out the day. So being next on the line, I abruptly decide right then to get a reservation of Maleficent in 3D at 2:40pm which is an hour or so of waiting from the time I finally got a seat.…

  • peter parker amazing spider man wide
    Movie Review,  Interest

    The Amazing Spiderman 2

    I’ve watch the Part 1 and its rad. This time, I know it will amp up my May by watching it on 3D and its worth it. I’m like actually riding an amusement park’s ride. The stomach crunches I get on every scenes just can’t escape my body. The feeling I get while watching it still trap on every veins I have on  my body. I know cause I felt it even just by looking at the pictures. Oh God I’m gonna go again and blow my nose. This by far is my most anticipated hero movie. Never been hooked by any superhero character but Spidey, I think I love…

  • IMG 9354 E5 89 AF E6 9C AC
    Personal,  Experience,  Local Travel,  Travel

    Dahilayan’s Plaza and More

    The best photo on my visit in the plaza. Although there’s an entrance fee of 100php but it is worth the money I can say. They all have this animal figures, name it and you’ll find it. But we never stayed long at the plaza we just ate lunch, have some few clicks and go back to the adventure park for another pack of rides. The day was gloomy and was about to rain, gladly the rain decided to come another day. The people I’ve been with was really genuine. I’ve never been with them before, like talking and chatting but we’ve been acquainted few times since they’re my sisters…

  • Personal,  Experience,  Local Travel,  Travel,  Travel Activity

    Dahilayan Adventure Park’s Rides

    The place was truly created for adventure and for a teenager who love nature and challenge just like myself, I immediately love the place. It was divine and lovely. If I just knew that you can actually took a video while enjoying the ride on python roller coaster, I would’ve since the acceleration depends on how much you weigh, (you can be stuck if you’re not heavy enough) therefore my phase is calm and the view is worth capturing too bad I’ve been informed late.  Consequently, it was following a walking path so its just like you’re travelling with people but you’re just elevated with a good view. The aeroglider…

  • Personal,  Hobby,  Local Travel,  Travel

    Connecting with Nature (Yellow&Green)

    I don’t know if someone out there is reading this or is checking my blog out but I’ve got the chance to visit Dahilayan Adventure Park 🙂 Its like the coolest place ever!! For people like me who can’t get enough of nature? This place is a thirst quencher for adventure, thrill and exploit. Engaging to an activity like this, clothing matters to make it the best moment. So here’s what I’m comfortable wearing for such an event. We came here to explore so a shoe is a must in the outfit. Being up to an adventure means wearing a short plus considering the climate is choosing a lengthy sleeve…

  • Fashion

    Shoes for Every Outfit

    Ever since I was a kid, I’ve always been very fascinated to shoes. I even promise myself to buy shoe/s that at one glance Id be like, I need to own it. As I grow up I’ve learned that there were a variety of shoes out there available in the market and they were not plainly called as a shoe/s. They actually have names. So my dream one by one has been narrowed to a specific kind of shoe that I wanted to have.  It started when out of the blue my feelings toward fashion just got intense. My friends and classmates on high school then starts to call me…

  • Fashion,  Writing

    Stylized by Liz Uy on SM City CdeO

    I was really a fan of fashion statements, fashion style and everything about fashion really. I was appointed to get something from SM City the morning before this event happened. I got really excited about this book tour because of the book being a best seller and its Liz Uy!! Oh come on, front to front with Liz will be crazy as a roller coaster ride. Reading the date of the event on SM’s glass door then referring to my watch for today’s date even makes my heart skip beat. The event is happening in less than 6 hours, Oh My Gosh!! I hurried home like a giddy ol’ walking…

  • Local Travel,  Travel

    Resort de Alberto

    For the night, we stayed at Resort de Alberto in Medina, Misamis Oriental. Night swimming is until 10pm so they grab the chances but for a girl with a bad timing of monthly occurring event. I never got the chance to experience the pool. But I explore the whole place 🙂 So this is my part of exploring. A selfie before getting into bed :))  The next morning we explore the seaside. Mornings are just so refreshing when you see a wide view of any bodies of water. Waking up to this view is a bliss. Its like breathing a new kind of air 🙂 Staying for a night in…

  • Travel,  Local Travel

    Kan-anan by the Sea

    Following the call of our tummy’s demand and with all the adventures and the exploring with the zoo we decided to stop by in Talisayan, Misamis Oriental. Seafood in Talisayan are referred to as one of the best seafood to try and since it is along the way, we took the advice. Here we come Talisayan :)) The Kan.anan by the Sea entrance.  The Restaurant’s Logo in a concrete display with Ate KC. Waiting for our food to be served 🙂 Ate Yani and Kuya Bryan <3 Reaching this part and looking at this picture in an instant it just makes me starve. Honestly, the way the food was cooked,…