• malefique affiche1 by silviya d7apctu 1
    Interest,  Experience,  Movie Review,  Personal

    Maleficent (2014)

    I watched Maleficent on May 31. I always wanted to see it in the cinemas so I gladly take my chance and be in line to grab a ticket. Yes I was alone for a reason. Anyhow, I never intended to watch it on 3D but the seat reservations on the hours within the time frame I set is fully occupied. Actually not just the next viewing but all through out the day. So being next on the line, I abruptly decide right then to get a reservation of Maleficent in 3D at 2:40pm which is an hour or so of waiting from the time I finally got a seat.…

  • peter parker amazing spider man wide
    Movie Review,  Interest

    The Amazing Spiderman 2

    I’ve watch the Part 1 and its rad. This time, I know it will amp up my May by watching it on 3D and its worth it. I’m like actually riding an amusement park’s ride. The stomach crunches I get on every scenes just can’t escape my body. The feeling I get while watching it still trap on every veins I have on  my body. I know cause I felt it even just by looking at the pictures. Oh God I’m gonna go again and blow my nose. This by far is my most anticipated hero movie. Never been hooked by any superhero character but Spidey, I think I love…

  • Fashion,  Writing

    Stylized by Liz Uy on SM City CdeO

    I was really a fan of fashion statements, fashion style and everything about fashion really. I was appointed to get something from SM City the morning before this event happened. I got really excited about this book tour because of the book being a best seller and its Liz Uy!! Oh come on, front to front with Liz will be crazy as a roller coaster ride. Reading the date of the event on SM’s glass door then referring to my watch for today’s date even makes my heart skip beat. The event is happening in less than 6 hours, Oh My Gosh!! I hurried home like a giddy ol’ walking…

  • Personal,  Writing

    I Want You to Know I Appreciate You

                   I want to take this moment to appreciate people who have always been there for me watching my back. I don’t know how to even start this. Okay, for starter, I know, I’m such a failure and I have no face to show anymore. But hey, I’m starting to get on my knees and sooner or later get back on my feet. I’m a student and I’m still not capable of returning all the hardships you’ve done to keep supporting me. All the bad and negative situations I’ve gone to on my college life, still I can’t dare hate the life that I…

  • Personal,  Writing

    Baby Sitting

    Who says baby sitting is easy?? For holiday, this little fella is staying with us.. This girl happened to be my cousin. although she cries at night, very hyper and aggressive at day and a total curious at things.. Her laugh and out-of-the-world-language never fail to made our day.. ehehe.. Isn’t she adorable?? She’s named Kacai.. I hope I can have reward for my effort in baby sitting, running & looking after her..  But having her here is more than a reward I could ever get.. Is this really how it feels to have a little sister?? Well I wish I can recharge my patience and have them on when…

  • Writing,  Personal

    Why do we go to School?

    Why do we go to School?                   While many of us are studying, there we’re also out of school youth who are not privileged enough to go to school. It would be that they are struggling from financial crisis, family problems or failing health. These arising problems should not be a good excuse to quit school, if we are just determined to reach our dreams and goals in life. We could find the means to provide and educate ourselves. We may be suffering from different aspects in life we should pursue education for our own good and for the future of the family.                         I have asked few people and…

  • Uncategorized

    The Most Unforgettable Experience as a Teenager

    August is known to be the feast of St.Agustin or most known as Kagay-an Festival of Cagayan de Oro City. The festival was full of life and smiles. And I can’t help but to have few clicks using my camera. I take a leap of faith and join a competition where I use my self-took pictures & videos as my entry. Fortunately, I made it to the top 4 finalists. Interviews we’re conducted and got a chance to be seen on T.V. I was really grateful and astonished. Though I did not win but the experience is worth than any trophy or certificate as a prize. You don’t know how…