• BRIONES 252C 2BJUDILEE 2BMAE 2BMlhi 2B 2BCopy 2B 25282 2529
    Personal,  Writing

    What?? Degree Holder??

    I must feel very successful upon writing this. To tell you the truth, Its been a year since I got my diploma, it’s mixed emotions I have now and none of it is success. Here goes the explanation you are looking forward to read (I’m just assuming that you are, haha) Well, I got the pride my relatives have towards me, aside from being called an Engineer (which reddens my cheeks every time cause I’m not suppose to be called one for I did not take a board exam – no board exam for my course in that matter). I resigned from my first ever job, for a service of…

  • 10393839 788671111167804 2664213660676837599 n 1
    Personal,  Experience,  Writing

    University Digital Arts (UDA)

    On my 4th year in college, after passing through the 3rd year, like imagine you’ll gonna go from one side to the other of this w-i-d-e river (that’ll test your capability to survive the engineering curriculum), it must be really tough, eh? Well to do that, my instinct says, you must’ve build a bridge to go pass through but, do you know what I’ve done? I build my barge, conquer the heavy current and reach the other side. That was indeed a hard year. Every year is, actually. And yey, after the school year 2014-2015 (in my 4th year) I must at least give myself a heads up and a…