What?? Degree Holder??
I must feel very successful upon writing this. To tell you the truth, Its been a year since I got my diploma, it’s mixed emotions I have now and none of it is success. Here goes the explanation you are looking forward to read (I’m just assuming that you are, haha) Well, I got the pride my relatives have towards me, aside from being called an Engineer (which reddens my cheeks every time cause I’m not suppose to be called one for I did not take a board exam – no board exam for my course in that matter). I resigned from my first ever job, for a service of…
University Digital Arts (UDA)
On my 4th year in college, after passing through the 3rd year, like imagine you’ll gonna go from one side to the other of this w-i-d-e river (that’ll test your capability to survive the engineering curriculum), it must be really tough, eh? Well to do that, my instinct says, you must’ve build a bridge to go pass through but, do you know what I’ve done? I build my barge, conquer the heavy current and reach the other side. That was indeed a hard year. Every year is, actually. And yey, after the school year 2014-2015 (in my 4th year) I must at least give myself a heads up and a…