• Personal,  Writing

    Friendship on the ROUGH

                This is a story of a girl who came to terms with her self’s wants. By wants, means everything that can make her happy. She never believe being happy is a status, it’s merely a word to her that any human say to make the other envy them. To her, being in her unscratched, inflexed constant normal face is staying in the neural side of things. Because by the time she heard about physics law that states “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction”, which she truly believes now. She starts to live with it. She don’t want to be happy…

  • Personal,  Writing

    I Want You to Know I Appreciate You

                   I want to take this moment to appreciate people who have always been there for me watching my back. I don’t know how to even start this. Okay, for starter, I know, I’m such a failure and I have no face to show anymore. But hey, I’m starting to get on my knees and sooner or later get back on my feet. I’m a student and I’m still not capable of returning all the hardships you’ve done to keep supporting me. All the bad and negative situations I’ve gone to on my college life, still I can’t dare hate the life that I…

  • Personal,  Writing

    Let’s Win This (Feeling Motivated)

    The funny thing about washing the dishes late at night is that the sound of plates clinging is pushing a memory of reminder that you just commit another major mistake, the same mistake for the third time. As a family with just me and my sister, I was always the disappointment, the black sheep, the bad omen and the worst kid. I know, because that’s what I always felt, that I was to be ashamed of. I think I just needed a time to cry by myself. I don’t know what happened to that little girl who used to look up at the sky and be instantly inspired by the…

  • Personal,  Writing

    Baby Sitting

    Who says baby sitting is easy?? For holiday, this little fella is staying with us.. This girl happened to be my cousin. although she cries at night, very hyper and aggressive at day and a total curious at things.. Her laugh and out-of-the-world-language never fail to made our day.. ehehe.. Isn’t she adorable?? She’s named Kacai.. I hope I can have reward for my effort in baby sitting, running & looking after her..  But having her here is more than a reward I could ever get.. Is this really how it feels to have a little sister?? Well I wish I can recharge my patience and have them on when…

  • Personal,  Writing

    View my Other Dimension

    I’m currently Studying, I’m a proud Second Year Student.. I’m patiently walking down along these confusing paths I’m taking… Gliding through these Rough, Rocky roads.. I’m totally enjoying every moment of my life… Yes I’m a Jolly teenager.. I’d like to drop things when its kinda messy then starts all over again.. I believe that everything do happen for a reason. I believe on signs and wistfully hoping that fairytale do come true… I usually don’t plan things and it ended me up happy, very contented and enjoy a worry-less life… Try it, It might work for you as well… The fact that I see people with their best side…