The Amazing Spiderman 2
I’ve watch the Part 1 and its rad. This time, I know it will amp up my May by watching it on 3D and its worth it. I’m like actually riding an amusement park’s ride. The stomach crunches I get on every scenes just can’t escape my body. The feeling I get while watching it still trap on every veins I have on  my body. I know cause I felt it even just by looking at the pictures. Oh God I’m gonna go again and blow my nose. This by far is my most anticipated hero movie. Never been hooked by any superhero character but Spidey, I think I love you now.
Not to sound too creepy but I also stalked Emma Stone a whole lot but not the way Spiderman can. You know what I mean, Fangirling. Since the Easy A days, Em by then became one of the actress I ever most liked. With her huge, innocent, green eyes, who wouldn’t, you know? There comes a time of my EmmaStone-fan-time that I feel the need to watch every single movie she participate even just with the short appearance. And so far, The first two installment of The Amazing Spiderman just made me feel good of idolizing her. Here’s what I love about them. They show affections genuinely, as if cameras where never there.
This just breaks my heart all time. There’s not a single time that my eyes never welled up because of the heaviness this scene gave my heart. It’s more than the words I can ever write. I got totally attached. Oh God. I can weep every single night as if I’m heartbroken (which is the exact situation after watching the movie) because of this.
Can you ever imagine falling so high and you’re hopeless than ever: you were scared. I can’t even sit down firm and straight on my seat in the cinema. I got totally sad and covering all my senses just to get the emotions out but it enters still. I’ll forever look up to you Gwen Stacy. You’re one of my fave character now.
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