Personal,  Writing

View my Other Dimension

I’m currently Studying, I’m a proud Second Year Student..
I’m patiently walking down along these confusing paths I’m taking…
Gliding through these Rough, Rocky roads..
I’m totally enjoying every moment of my life…
Yes I’m a Jolly teenager.. I’d like to drop things when its kinda messy then starts all over again..
I believe that everything do happen for a reason. I believe on signs and wistfully hoping that fairytale do come true…
I usually don’t plan things and it ended me up happy, very contented and enjoy a worry-less life…
Try it, It might work for you as well…
The fact that I see people with their best side  excites me to socialize and meet few people everyday if possible …
New sunrise, means a new start to me… Whatever yesterday’s mistake, I always presume that I can do a whole lot better today – to fill everything I missed.
I don’t believe that a certain thing’s too late for a fight..
Nobody’s telling you “This is the Finish Line.” I unceasingly keeping that in mind.
I enjoy listening to Music — one funny fact of me is that I pretended I was on an album release contract and need to record some songs,
I actually record my own voice and accompanied it with some minus one songs… I know its Crazy :DD

I thanking those people who always take on my side whenever I’m on a circumstances not because they should but because they believe in me..

I’m grateful for those people who are very genuine in front and on my back — to my true friends..
I also thank those who turned their back and talks shit about me..
To those who fail to know me yet still keeps on judging me, “What goes around comes back around.” I’lll leave you with that quote.
Thank you to you who I often call FriEnemies..
As what they say “What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger!!” Someday I’ll get back to you,  more fiercer and happier than ever.. So keep on burning that game you play..
Sorry for that!! I always make it a point that I should be the simplest person as possible as I could be.

If less arguments and no misunderstanding in this life is achievable then I do anything at any cost just to live in ecstasy.

By the way, I have a bucket full of list to do that I want to share with you, few are :

I always wanted to explore the world.
To find what life has to offer.
To challenge myself.
To invent things.
To fall in love.
To compose a song.
To have few fans who will call themselves “jhudatics” (There’s no harm in dreaming :D)
To touch lives and inspire people.
To be the best person I can be.
To grow and live life to the fullest.
and most esp.
To be remembered.
I’ll regret nothing in the end and that’s for sure..

Welcome to my personal space. A young professional in the IT world. I am interested in finance, investment and a whole lot of hobbies.

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